You don’t go around calling what is actually a TACO a Burrito. You also do not call something that is distinctly Chow Mien, Pho. Yes they are similar in the regional cuisine that they come from but they are completely different in every which way it is made but are only the same in the happiness they give you as you put them in your mouth. Then what is my problem? My problem is calling it the wrong thing; you know exactly what I am talking about, you chefs and foodies out there. You know what you’re ordering based on what is called and or described. That being said there are some restaurants out there that are giving popular dish names to some random creation they’ve put on the menu is one way of mis-educating the public. I for one do not appreciate to order something to receive something that is completely different. If it’s a hamburger I expect and imagine and anticipate a burger not a wrap that has the same ingredients of a hamburger, if it’s a hamburger wrap, call it that then. Make it clear as to what you are making and what I will be eating and if its something made up, then please give it a great name.
I once was watching a television show where they were making what were clearly empanadas, but she kept calling it a taco. She was clearly from a normal region of Mexico, so I’m pretty sure it had nothing to do about regional names, it was the fact that she did not know what she was talking about. It was seriously so annoying that I was yelling at my television set, and it happened again today when someone decided to call some noodle soup concoction Pho. Pho is Pho if it has certain components of spices, ingredients and rice noodles. If it doesn’t have the correct spices or the correct preparation of the dish please do not call it something it is clearly not. If you’re creative enough to come up with something completely original and new in our modern culinary culture, then by all means give it a new name of type of food.
I am all for new fusion cuisine provided that they are actually doing a good job doing the fusion part. Nothing worse then bad naming of an idea executed wrongly, it sits on your plate and you end up just hating fusion food. The problem with a lot of fusion food places is that these chefs do not really understand the flavors and techniques of the types of food they are merging. For me True fusion food marries the completely different cuisines together that make you happy and want to travel to taste the real deal. That is my definition of great fusion food. Sadly a lot of places are not doing that, they just put together something that could go well and due to a lot of people saying ‘ooo that is amazing’ they come out with something that is actually failed the test of true identity. Like artists, I only respect those who know the history of art and chefs are no different. The best chefs in world know the history of the food they are cooking and love learning and discovery new food flavors. So for all those newbie chefs and food lovers out there, grab a region, learn the flavors and move on to the next. Only after some years of eating and learning the true origins and flavors of foods can you say you know what you’re eating. This actually goes for me as well, but I am currently reading history books on food so I’m doing exactly what I am telling you!
with that
eat extraordinary everyday.
Reminds me of my first "low carb" experience. I went for the "Super Star with Cheese" at Carls Jr a couple years ago. I got home and thought "WTF!!". There was no bun on my burger. Who orders a cheeseburger without a damn bun? That's not a burger; it's meat with lettuce and cheese. Anyway... I agree.
I'm with u on that. I made fajita for my cousin because he was raised up in the west coast and he aint eat them jawns in a minute. For bein from cali he was like "damn these tacos was good" i was like "yo cuz i was makin fajitas for u i thought u knew that." i was like dis mofo don't apreciate snipps. if he wanted tacos i woulda got hard shell for him mannnn....
like when you order creme brulee and theres not burnt sugary goodness on top, thats like spread of flan, or custard, not creme brulee, which translates to english from french "burnt cream"
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