so today I'm going to do something a little different. I'm going to share a recipe because its earth day. if you've been reading my blog I'm sure you've noticed i don't put any recipes up. even though Susy asked that i should share. the reason is because i usually try not to share my recipes because i usually do not write it down. but lately I've been collecting a lot of different recipes and coming up with my own as well, its slowly building up and everyday is a new idea, something new to try and so the list goes on. there are various notes on my computer, my phone, my planner, my magazines; they are just everywhere. I have collected some insane amount of recipes which i rarely share especially those i come up with but sometimes I'm nice enough to share with people.
so what is the recipe today??? well since in Los Angeles its summer, I'm going to give a grilled steak recipe. and the whole recipe is eye balling it so add a bit or take off a little of what you like or dislike.
you'll need:
freezer bag-large
skirt steak -about 1-2 lbs
olive oil 1/2 cup
fresh rosemary 1/3 cup
fresh basil 1/3 cup
fresh flat leaf parsley 1/4 cup
lemon zest/lemon juice
crushed red pepper
dash of Worcestershire sauce
- chop up all the herbs (you can do this in a food processor if you dislike knife work)
- In a freezer bag- good tablespoon of salt/pepper , with 1/2 cup of good olive oil, the herbs, zest of one lemon and juice, dash of Worcestershire sauce, add the skirt steak in and let it sit for 30 mins.
- fire up the grill to high heat and grill until reached to the medium, let it rest and slice after the meat has rested for 15 mins.
serve with some grilled garlic bread and a side of grilled Caesar salad you have yourself a wonderful meal. i used to prepare this dish for the family i cooked for, everyone loved it and it was simple.
recipes to me are like stories that come to life when they are made into meals. every dish I've made for my friends and family and clients have been ingrained into my mind as moments of living life. sharing a meal with people is the fastest way to creating memories and truly enjoying life and recipes are just an easy reminder to how to do that. i have so many fond memories of wine tasting parties, burgers and steak dinners with my friends and when i think of my friends i always think of how i can create some more memories through new foods that they would enjoy trying. I've been diving into history books of food and the food culture of all types of civilizations and one thing I've learned is that regardless of where people are in the world and their financial or class status, food was the uniting factor to good times. so with that i hope that everyone is enjoying a nice earth day and remember buy organic, buy local, buy fresh and cook fresh for yourself and your loved ones.
eat extraordinary everyday
*shout out to the people in my photo, easter brunch 2004; fear factory band members, evidence, dj salam wreck, Segal mix master, and the rest of the crew.
**using dom perignon and cristal for mimosas was how the brunch originated
1 comment:
How strange. I just posted a recipe of my own earlier tonight. Freaky.
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