my summer reading so far has consisted of only art history books and food books. As well as all the current issues on food around the world. Keeping up to date with the many new food trends is really hard but what is even harder to deal with is the war on food that is occurring right now in our world. prices of food has sky rocketed in the last year and the food isn't even real!!
organic foods. i encourage all people to buy when they can the best quality of food. you don't want to be putting junk into your body. it is so easy to drive up to some place order something that taste okay for the moment and then the long haul comes and you're sick. it happens to me every time i go to the golden arches. i actually get a bit sick. cramping in the tummy. i guess it could be mental. but i like to think i eat pretty good. i like to make most of my food and of course dine out as often as my purse allows but i take my food seriously. i see how people shop at the store. i see the prices take over their ability to let their own common sense decide whether the food they are about to buy good for their bodies... but i guess the pocket book does have a large affect on how people consume. is it just that though? or can it be lack of knowledge/time/skill? I really don't know, but I'm going to find a way to help.
my sister told me the other day that out mother had instructed her to go out and store up on rice. and then i spoke to my mother asking her about it and she told me that people were trying to Asians how to use more potatoes in their diet instead of rice... and after hearing that i was a bit upset. the rice shortage is because of horrible weather in the growing regions that are probably a result of the global warming and weird weather.
so we're to blame for everything. We drive the cars/planes/ships for our own materialistic morals, we mess up the ozone/environment/air/pollute/seas and then that carries onto the food/farms/animals and when we consume we get cancer/allergies.... karma is a bitch! wow. if we had stuck to the old traditions of taking only what was needed and giving back to earth what we have taken we all would be eating great food and enjoying life. lack of morals/tradition/education/love the people of our time are going to pay for it. mother earth is pissing and we're to blame. i hope people are able to see this cycle soon and try to change/respect/act. Cause if not we're all going to hell all them levels in the inferno... seriouso.
we should 'check ourselves before we wreck ourselves'. so let go plant some more food and take care of them instead of letting chemicals do it, the care we give in nurturing the earth will return to our bodies keeping them strong.
eat extraordinary everyday!
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