I love to watch television like every other person these days. I was watching Sex in the City and in the show they always are eating something while discussion their conquest/issues with sex in the city. So therefore one day I forget which episode I noticed the sandwich that Carrie was eating, club sandwich. Then I was thinking about sandwiches that I've loved or haven't had in a long time. And there it came into my head that all this time I've been eating all these complex sandwiches that I had forgotten the wondrous simple flavors of the BLT.
BLT. Bacon/Lettuce/Tomato on slightly toasted country white bread with a touch of mayo. the simplicity of such flavors always gets to me and I was pleasantly surprised to find it on a menu the other day as I was taking a lunch break from the museum where I intern. It was nice to see the BLT on the menu because I haven't seen it in such a long time. I don't think its even on menus of chain sandwich places. which is why I have forgotten it. But it is so nice to have had it the other day for lunch. It was a pleasant surprise. I enjoy the salty and crispy taste of real good bacon is just enough seasoning for the sandwich. The clean, crisp taste of the lettuce build the sandwich higher as well as give it a great clean bite. The sweetness of the tomatoes help bring the sandwich to a close. Although I know most people do not like mayo just a light spread over the toasted bread help keep the sandwich together.
I find that the perfect BLT is hard to come by. Its funny that the simplest things are always really hard to come by these days because we have come to place where food isn't prepared the way they used to. People are afraid of bacon, but bacon is one of the oldest foodstuffs that has been eaten by people. So bacon is good when its natural and not fake. Good old fashion REAL bacon gives flavors that cannot be found elsewhere. Tomatoes fresh organic room temperature tomatoes are my favorite. The type of lettuce that I think most people use is romaine which is okay but I really like butter leaf lettuce. It has enough richness and bite to it that makes the sandwich really great. Although I know most people do not even know what is in mayo, homemade mayo is so awesome. When I was smaller my father's friend who owned a Vietnamese sandwich shop, would make their own mayo. It was fascinating.. another thing that I also think is lost is homemade butter... but that's another blog.
anyhow I encourage everyone to go out and try to find a place with the BLT or better yet make your own BLT. Making the perfect sandwich is an activity that I find is most enjoyable and fulfilling, cut it at an angle and enjoy and maybe share with a friend. maybe some tomato bisque soup with a little garlic creme fraiche over it. how delightful does that sound? reminds me of a nice day with the daily paper and eating a perfect sandwich. enjoying life one bite at a time.
eat extraordinary everyday!
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