okay today's blog is dedicated to FAST FOOD.
**photo by grubgrade
lately in anticipation of my graduation I've been severely stressed out and filled with anxiety, during which I've consumed more fast food in one week than i would in a normal year. and that means more than 2 times in a week! eek! but here's the problem with fast food joints, you get there and you decide you cannot decide what you want, at least that's my personal problem and then to solve it i end up consuming about $10 worth of food, and for fast food you know that's A LOT of food. and just for the record, i have a tendency to go online and find out the caloric count as well as sodium amount in everything in hopes that i will have more of a resistance in ordering 1000+ calories in food. . . but usually i fail. sad i know, but during times of anxiety/stress anything goes as therapy even if it's slowly killing me. Ill swim it off once i move towards warmer weather.

**photo by yummyinthetummyblog
so today i went to both McDonald's and Wendy's. i decided i would try these crispy chicken sandwiches that have been advised. I'm not going to go into detail exactly what else was consumed with this but it was not a good thing in terms of calories/fat/sodium. *i did eat broccoli for dinner. but back to the subject at hand, value menu chicken sandwiches.. well both were of good size, i mean for $1 its not a bad sandwich. if you ordered your meal from the value menu you would get an actual normal caloric meal for under 4 dollars. but most people opt for the bigger 900 calorie lunch instead. but anyhow.. the mc chicken wasn't as good as their other stuff. it was a bit on the 'getting soggy any minute' texture group. and the Wendy's crispy chicken sandwich held up to the name very well, the protein was still crispy and the flavor in
the breading was actually pretty good. i was happy with that much more than of the McChicken. so overall, if you want a nice dollar menu chicken sandwich, go with Wendy's.
**photo by Eating in Translation
and to another fast food joint we go.. well theoretically, as i will not be consuming PR chicken. KFC launched its Grilled Chicken recently. this would NEVER happen if Sanders was still alive, why? because he spent his LIFE perfecting the million secret spice combination recipe for his FRIED Chicken. I'm serious. it bothers me that they decided to branch out to get more sales, and go against the company name.. FRIED. I guess there is a side of me that believes that if you're good at something stick to it. Historically, the development of restaurants were actual stands in the market place where one person would make a mean dish, so good that it was all they made and people would buy it until they were gone. the name escapes me right now, but in ancient Chinese history, one emperor heard of a lady's soup that he summoned her to cook for him and all she sold was one thing, every day for 365 days a year. and it made her famous, its when you get greedy about the money you make other things that start to take your standards and passions down. but then it could be just the marketing issues i have with these fast food joints. here are two examples of fast food using a good strategy to introduce more stuff to make you buy...
Taco Bell: Fresco, yes Taco bell has a healthy fresh menu. a way to introduce the same things but slightly healthier and less calories to get some people in. packaged in a green and clean manner, it makes you think you're eating great at a fast food place. not bad, almost made me want taco bell.
McDonald's: McCafe, to compete with Starbucks, they added Iced Coffee with syrup options. and from what my sister says, it was crappy. i bought it for her and she told me to never do it again. so i guess the coffee done cold isn't as good as Starbucks blended concoctions. but the marketing decided to make it a whole theme of a new element of the McDonald's world, making people think they should get coffee here too, instead of a place that only sells coffee drinks..
so with that i hope I've given some insight into the world of fast food through my perspective. enjoy it in moderation, fast food that is.
eat extraordinary everyday.
** the images were taken from Flickr, these photos were credited as they are not mine. If you find them interesting please search the photostreams listed under the photos.