recently, one of the funniest things happened to me. i was challenged to a food cook off. why is this funny? well the person who challenged me doesn't have a clue what type of food i cook, the range, the skill, the experience that i have with food and cooking. He thinks his skills out do mine, i find it very funny that someone would challenge, Me, to a cook off, without knowing anything about my cooking background.
this person is a class mate, a young man a little too confident and too cocky for his own good. lets not say confident. rather he is a bit crazy thinking to challenge me. more than a few people have asked me if he was crazy to challenge me to such a cook off. he has many restrictions on the way and what we should cook. he doesn't do dessert. he says he will blow me out of the water. he blogs about food as well, he takes some food porn and post up a few recipes up for the world to see, wanting to show his readers to cook their own food. I've read this blog of his. i' have seen what he considers good, he hasn't even seen what i can make and he is already talking up a storm. he says he's passionate about it but i don't think he knows what my extent of passion goes for food and cooking.

well i am not going to reveal what my plans are for the menu. but surely it will be great. no doubt. i have many many hours put away in studying food and the art of it. i've even written papers on food. o yes. a lucky professor had to deal with my horrible writing all about medieval cookery. but i had a blast going through hundred years old recipes. my bookshelves are out of room for cooking books/magazine. my recipe collection is growing. and with my culinary adventures in los angeles/new york/ las vegas and more to come will surely help with my challenge to come.

this should be interesting. i shall post more up soon.